The Zumtobel Company strengthens its position in the Central and Eastern European market. On Thursday, October 9, 2008, a new Light Center was opened in Prague. On the occasion of its grand opening, the world-renowned architect Hani Rashid from the New York studio Asymptote visited Prague.
The new Light Center, located on Jankovcova Street in Holešovice, is easily accessible due to its location near the center of Prague. Customers will find perfect service in an area of 500 m². In addition to standard product presentations, it is possible to see new product innovations in action, intended for all major areas of application (offices, healthcare, commercial spaces, or cultural institutions).
In addition to the CEO of Zumtobel, Dr. Andreas Ludwig, the regional sales and marketing director Dietmar Zoyer, and the director of the Zumtobel representation for the Czech and Slovak Republics, Vladan Jesenský, the grand opening was attended by the world-renowned architect Hani Rashid, who delivered a lecture on the relationship between light, architecture, and art. His studio Asymptote uses Zumtobel products in its projects and definitely does not focus solely on their usual application. Hani Rashid demonstrated this through a wide range of examples, from small exhibition installations for the architectural biennale in São Paulo or the German Documenta 11 to extensive designs for the Guggenheim Museum in Mexican Guadalajara or the tallest Asian tower in Busan, South Korea.
On October 29, 2008, the new Light Center will host the opening of the exhibition Zumtobel Group Award For Sustainability and Humanity in the Built Environment, held as part of the exhibition cycle Green CZ.