Irina Davidovici: Forms of Reform

London’s Housing Estates for the Labouring Classes

The City as a Project, Architectural Association, London

st 10.2.2021 19:00

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A Lecture by Irina Davidovici (ETH Zürich) organized by the PhD Programme of the Architectural Association (AA London).
Join us on Zoom at 6 pm UK time on Feb 10!
This lecture examines the bourgeois projections and expectations that underlined the reform of early working-class housing estates in late-19th and early-20th century London. It hypothesizes that the urban and architectural developments that distinguish the earlier Peabody Trust standardized estates from the subsequent London Country Council inner-city housing are underpinned by the ideological recodings of domestic, urban, and socio-economic spheres in the space of five decades.

Zoom Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 935 6666 5930
Passcode: 906960
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