
Moravský Krumlov

1 12.12.2024 | The eastern wing of the castle in Český Krumlov has a new roof costing more than seven million CZK
0 02.04.2024 | In Moravský Krumlov, they are completing the project to renovate the western wing of the chateau
0 09.01.2023 | More than 52,000 people viewed the Slavic Epic last year in Moravský Krumlov
0 27.03.2022 | Mor. Krumlov is completing the renovation of the southern wing of the castle, which is set to open in the summer
0 19.07.2021 | Visitors will see the Slavic Epic in M. Krumlov from the turn of July to August
0 24.06.2021 | Part of the epic arrived in Moravský Krumlov in the previous days, the rest is now on the way.
0 14.06.2021 | The Slavic Epic should be on display in Moravský Krumlov in July
0 19.04.2021 | Moravskokrumlov councilors approved the loan agreement for the Slav Epic
0 25.01.2021 | Moravský Krumlov has approved spaces for the exhibition of the Epos
0 06.10.2020 | The relocation of the Slav Epic has been delayed due to reconstruction
0 06.05.2020 | The representatives of Moravský Krumlov approved the contract for the epic
0 21.10.2019 | Moravský Krumlov is preparing adjustments to the castle for the Slavic Epic
0 05.09.2019 | The mayor of Moravský Krumlov believes that Prague will lend the epic back
0 22.08.2018 | ORA: Houses, trees + us
0 20.06.2018 | Moravský Krumlov will repair the south wing of the castle for 119 million
0 15.03.2017 | Moravský Krumlov applied for a grant for the repair of the castle
0 14.10.2016 | Moravský Krumlov commissioned a project for the restoration of the castle