Czech Radiocommunications will announce a competition for the completion of the CRA Strahov complex

Tisková zpráva
18.06.2024 19:30
The company České radiokomunikace a.s. intends to announce an architectural competition for the completion of its headquarters complex in Prague at Strahov. The subject of the competition is to prepare an architectural study, subsequent project documentation, and engineering activities for the implementation of the CRA Strahov project - completion of the complex.

1. Subject of the competition and competition assignment

The subject of the competition is to prepare an architectural study, subsequent project documentation, and engineering activities for the implementation of the CRA Strahov project - completion of the complex.
Title CRA Strahov – completion of the complex
Location: Skokanská 2117/1, Břevnov, 169 00 Prague 6
parcel number 2495/1 cadastral area Prague, Břevnov

2. Purpose and mission of the competition

The purpose and mission of the competition is to find and evaluate the most suitable solution to the subject of the competition, which meets the requirements of the issuer contained in these competition conditions and competition documents, and to select the candidates with whom the issuer will negotiate to conclude a contract for the execution of the subsequent order according to these competition conditions.

3. Requirements for the administrative building

  • Modern administrative building located in the CRA - Strahov complex, next to existing buildings reconstructed in 2010-2012.
  • MAXIMIZE land use within the parameters of the valid Zoning Plan and other applicable regulations (protection zones of cultural heritage, etc.).
  • Min 100 (possibly more) workspaces in open-space offices at the standard of the existing Strahov complex; the internal environment of the building used by employees must be maximally user-friendly with an emphasis on mitigating noise transmission from the building's technology (HVAC, plumbing, etc.) or the external environment.
  • Allocation per workspace up to 10 m²
  • Corresponding social background (toilets, kitchens, changing rooms + showers for cyclists)
  • Min 3 managerial offices - area for a managerial office approx. 20 m², structurally separated space
  • Meeting rooms 4* for 12 people; 4* for 8 people; 4* for 4 people; structurally separated space
  • Informal relaxation work zones (2*) for informal internal meetings of employees
  • Connecting corridor for pedestrian access to existing buildings "dry-foot"
  • Statutory number of parking spaces in the complex
  • Conducting a survey of existing technological capacities of the CRA Strahov complex and maximizing the use of this technological infrastructure (electrical substation, cooling sources, heating sources)
  • Cooling of the building - cooling beams are the preferred technological solution
  • HVAC - air exchange provided by HVAC devices, maximum flow velocity in the ducts (vertically and horizontally) 3m/s
  • Lighting - LED fixtures in the ceiling, adjustable zones
  • Shading - permanently installed shading devices (e.g., slats) preferred variant
  • Minimize impact on the environment, alternative sources and use of waste heat, and high efficiency are key parameters of this project (Carbon footprint, limit on refrigerants and extinguishing agents),
  • Location of the building in accordance with applicable legislation and OTP (general technical requirements for construction), e.g., setback distances, etc.

4. Description of required services

4.1. Preliminary architectural study - part of the offer

4.1.1. Content
The architectural study reflecting the technical requirements and know-how of the candidate must include:
  • capacities:
  • area of technical equipment spaces,
  • area of administrative rooms,
  • other areas
  • Construction and technical solution:
  • height and mass of the building,
  • parameters of technical devices,
  • operational links,
  • architectural design,
  • transport service,
  • service for TI (technical infrastructure),
  • energy consumption of the building,
  • framework investment costs of the construction,
  • framework operating costs of the construction,
  • framework schedule,
  • main risks and key factors,
  • abstract of max. 1800 characters (standard page incl. spaces).

4.1.2. Processing of the Architectural Study
Graphical representations of the proposal:
  • 3D visualizations,
  • floor plans depicting and purpose of spaces/rooms (administrative spaces, social background, meeting rooms, TI rooms, relaxation zones, etc.),
  • location of the building,
  • traffic and paved areas,

Text part:
  • Text expression of the proposal (accompanying report) containing in particular:
  • content according to previous points,
  • the recommended extent of the report is 6× A4.
  • The text part will further include:
  • cover page,
  • list of parts of the study marked with a serial number and the name of the part and subsequent serial numbers.

4.2. Project documentation

The scope of Documentation and other actions that are the subject of this assignment is as follows:
  • Phase 1: Project preparation
  • Phase 2: Project documentation of the building design
  • Phase 3: Project documentation for joint building permit (DSP)
  • Phase 4: Project documentation for construction (DPS)
  • Phase 5: Author supervision (AD)
  • Phase 6: Documentation of actual construction execution (DSPS)
  • Phase 7: Cooperation with the contractor during the handover of the construction and occupancy permit (the contractor's responsibility)
  • As part of the individual phases according to paragraph 1 of this article, the Architect's obligation also includes representing the Client in actions related to discussing the Documentation with the relevant authorities and participants in the proceedings. The Client will grant the candidate/Architect a power of attorney for this purpose.
  • The precise scope of activities that are part of each phase is described in the following chapters.
  • The documentation prepared according to this assignment does not include:
  • Geodetic survey of the parcel and preparation of geodetic drawings of the land (the responsibility of the CRA client),
  • The documentation prepared according to this assignment includes:
  • All surveys necessary for the proper execution of the work in accordance with the Architect Service Standard ČKA, Design documents HERE. The candidate will list in their offer the necessary materials considered essential for further work on the Project along with their valuation in the appendix "RFP_CRA_Strahov-completion of the complex-bid price".

4.2.1 Phase 1: Project preparation
The subject of this activity includes the following activities:
  • Evaluation of the input data,
  • Inventory of identification data,
  • Assessment of the client's intention, recommendations for the construction program and project assignment (investment intention),
  • Preliminary analysis of the construction site (review of the expected construction site, identification of regulatory conditions of the area, verification of the compliance of the intention with the valid planning documents),
  • Assessment of economic and ecological parameters of the assignment,
  • Specification of necessary design documents,
  • Specification of presumed design work (expected phases of services, professional representation).
Client cooperation especially in these areas:
  • Transfer of available documents,
  • Ensuring access to the land (or construction),
  • Transfer of power of attorney for obtaining necessary information and representing the investor,
  • Clarification and specification of the intention,
  • Determination of expected investment costs,
  • Engineering activities: participation in preliminary meetings at the authorities.
4.2.2 Phase 2: Building design documentation
The subject of this activity includes the following activities:
  • Verification and analysis of project preparation (Phase 1) and design documents,
  • Clarification of the client's target expectations,
  • Development of concepts and sketches,
  • Determination of basic material solutions,
  • Preparation of building design documentation (report, situation, floor plans, sections, views),
  • Involvement of special professions (e.g., statics, technology, energy) including their coordination,
  • Preliminary performance balance,
  • Preliminary thermal balance,
  • Preparation of design variants and their evaluation,
  • Proposal for terrain and vegetation modifications,
  • Expert studies and analyses (daylight, acoustic studies, waste disposal),
  • Visualizations,
  • Framework budget of construction and operating costs,
  • Principles of energy-efficient design solutions,
  • Preparation of data for assessing the impact of the construction on the environment,
  • Preparation of data for building certification,
  • Feasibility study,
  • Engineering activities: Preliminary negotiation of documentation with significant DOSS, at the building authority and with the city architect (or municipality or urban planning commissions).
Client cooperation especially in these areas:
  • Clarification of target expectations,
  • Determination of technical requirements for the construction,
  • Consultation of the concept and its approval,
  • Transfer of power of attorney for obtaining necessary information and representing the investor,
  • Clarification of expected investment costs,
  • Participation in preliminary meetings at the authorities.
Documentation format:
  • 2× in printed form,
  • Digitally in pdf format.

4.2.3 Phase 3: Project documentation for the joint building permit (DSP)
The subject of this activity includes the following activities:
  • Establishing conditions for compliance with Phase 1 and 2,
  • Checking design documents,
  • Clarification of client's target expectations in light of previous phases,
  • Preparation of documentation for the joint building permit according to Appendix No. 8 of Regulation No. 499/2006 Coll., on building documentation
  • Incorporation of comments from public authorities and organizations that express opinions on the documentation for the joint building permit
  • Incorporation of modifications to the documentation after possible appeal proceedings,
  • Engineering Activity:
  • Procurement of documents and opinions from public authorities and organizations necessary for issuing the joint building permit (DOSS),
  • Ensuring expressions of participants in the proceedings,
  • Ensuring posting of information about the commencement of the joint building permit on the land,
  • Participation in discussions about the joint building permit,
  • Obtaining the joint building permit including other decisions related to construction (e.g., tree felling, water law decisions, connection to the road, zoning consents),
  • Participation and cooperation in the appeal against the issued joint permit.
Client cooperation especially in these areas:
  • Ensuring access to land and affected buildings,
  • Clarification of target expectations,
  • Determination of technical requirements for the construction,
  • Clarification of technical requirements for the construction (e.g., energy demand of the building, preferred heating method, energy consumption, standard of the construction, etc.),
  • Consultation of the documentation concept and its approval,
  • Transfer of power of attorney for obtaining necessary information and representing the investor,
  • Clarification of expected investment costs,
  • Participation in discussions with public authorities and organizations,
  • Negotiations with participants in administrative proceedings,
  • Responses to comments from participants in the proceedings and DOSS,
  • Payment of administrative fees
Documentation format:
  • 3× in printed form,
  • Digitally in BIM in *.ifc; *.rvt format (or in another native format used by the software)
  • Requirements for the graphical and information part of the construction model will be established before signing the SOD with the Candidate in the form of a mutually agreed BEP, Data structures, and requirements from the client for model control.
  • Digitally in the format, doc, xls, and version in pdf,

4.2.4 Phase 4: Project documentation for construction execution (DPS)
The subject of this activity includes the following activities:
  • Evaluation of the joint permit and its conditions,
  • Preparation of documentation for construction according to Regulation No. 499/2006 Coll., on building documentation (architectural and construction part and documentation of technical and technological parts of the construction) including conceptual coordination of all professions,
  • In the case of construction modifications, preparation of documentation for the removal of construction including demolition work,
  • Definition of all materials and surfaces based on samples and their approval by the client (e.g., floors, roofing, tiles, coatings of structures and products, etc.),
  • Specification of products for construction (e.g., windows, doors, carpentry, locksmith, and plumbing products),
  • Coordination of individual profession projects and incorporation into DPS,
  • Installation plan including elements of the exterior, furniture, technological establishment, and planting material (in the case of landscaping constructions),
  • Engineering activities: control of statements and conditions from the building procedure and their incorporation into the documentation.
Client cooperation especially in these areas:
  • Participation in coordination meetings,
  • Approval of the proposed technical solution of the construction,
  • Approval of the selection of finishing elements and equipment,
  • Approval of the selection of materials and surface treatments,
  • Approval of the utility properties of materials and elements.
Documentation format:
  • 5× in printed form,
  • Digitally in BIM in *.ifc; *.rvt format (or in another native format used by the software)
  • Requirements for the graphical and information part of the construction model will be established before signing the SOD with the Candidate in the form of a mutually agreed BEP, Data structures, and requirements from the client for model control.
  • Digitally in the format, doc, xls, and version in pdf,

4.2.5 Phase 5: Author supervision (AD)
The subject of this activity includes the following activities:
  • author supervision:
  • Participation in control days and site inspections and consultations on-site,
  • Monitoring the execution of the construction according to the execution documentation,
  • Monitoring the compliance of the construction execution with the conditions of the joint permit,
  • Approval of the materials and products used with the comparative standard set in Phase 4
  • Monitoring compliance with environmental conditions,
  • Supervision of the removal of occupancy defects,
Client cooperation especially in these areas:
  • Ensuring access to the construction site,
  • Communicating the essential conditions of the contract with the contractor, work procedures,
  • Setting conditions for the performance of author supervision
4.2.6 Phase 6: Documentation of actual construction execution (DSPS)
The subject of this activity includes the following activities:
  • Based on the contractor's documents, preparation of the Documentation of actual construction execution according to Appendix No. 3 of Regulation No. 499/2006 Coll.
Client cooperation especially in these areas:
  • Ensuring documentation from the construction contractor in digital form.
Documentation format:
  • 5× in printed form,
  • Digitally in BIM in *.ifc; *.rvt format (or in another native format used by the software)
  • Requirements for the graphical and information part of the construction model will be established before signing the SOD with the Candidate in the form of a mutually agreed BEP, Data structures, and requirements from the client for model control.
  • Digitally in the format, doc, xls, and version in pdf,

5. Bid price and payment conditions

5.1. Bid price
The bid price for the performance of individual phases must be established as follows:
  • VAT payers – the bid price in CZK excluding VAT broken down by individual phases of the subject of the bid.
  • Non-VAT payers – the bid price in CZK broken down by individual phases of the subject of the bid.
The required structure of the bid price is provided in the appendix "RFP_CRA Strahov - completion of the complex bid price"

If the bid contains an exceptionally low bid price in relation to the subject of the contract, the bid may be excluded.
The issuer may require a written justification from the candidate for those parts of the bid that are essential for the bid price. In the request for justification of the exceptionally low bid price, the issuer will also require that the candidate confirm that while fulfilling the contract, they will ensure compliance with the obligations arising from legal regulations related to the subject of the contract, as well as labor law regulations and collective agreements related to employees who will participate in the fulfillment of the contract, and that they have not received unauthorized state aid.

The candidate must deliver the justification to the issuer within three working days from the date of receipt of the issuer's request. The issuer will evaluate the explanation of the exceptionally low bid price. If the candidate does not justify the exceptionally low bid price in writing within the stipulated period, or if the issuer assesses their justification as unfounded, they will be excluded from the procurement process.

5.2. Payment conditions
The contractual parties agreed that the Total price will be paid to the Architect by the Client in the form of Partial payments after acceptance of all outputs of the relevant phase.

For phase 7 (Author supervision), the Architect will invoice continuously once a month.

The due date for invoices issued by the Architect will be 60 calendar days from their issuance. The Architect will send invoices to CRA on the day of their issuance electronically via email to the address and by registered mail to the registered office of CRA. In case of doubt as to the delivery of the invoice to CRA, the invoice is considered to have been delivered on the day following its verifiable dispatch in one of the stated ways.

Any mutually agreed work by the Architect beyond the subject of the bid will be billed separately by the Architect after mutual written agreement with CRA.

6. Technical Qualification

In the framework of technical qualification, the candidate/solving team must demonstrate that
  • in the last 15 years, they have executed at least 1 contract for services related to the subject of the contract with the structure:
  • a brief description of the reference,
  • public amenities/administrative building with a built-up area of at least 3,000 m2
  • Scope of work of the candidate:
  • phases of project documentation,
  • composition of the project,
  • contact for the customer to verify the reference,
  • possibility of a reference visit YES/NO.
  • the solving team will include at least 5 members, one of whom will hold the position of principal designer, who will be professionally responsible for leading the contract,
  • the solving team must include persons with the following specializations:
  • architect with authorization in the field of architecture or with general jurisdiction,
  • authorized engineer with authorization in the field of statics and dynamics of buildings,
  • authorized technician with authorization in the area of building environment technology, specializing in heating and air conditioning,
  • authorized technician with authorization in the area of building environment technology, specializing in health technology,
  • authorized technician with authorization in the area of building environment technology, specializing in electrical devices,
  • authorized technician with authorization in the area of building environment technology, specializing in fire safety of buildings,
  • authorization must be demonstrated in the Czech Republic or in EU countries,
  • one person may fulfill multiple specializations simultaneously.
The principal designer must have 7 years of experience. Other members of the solving team must have at least 7 years of experience.

The above requirements must be demonstrated by the contractor:
  • a list of executed contracts for services related to the subject of the contract,
  • a list of members of the solving team together with the designation of the principal designer, including a declaration from each member that they will participate in solving the contract along with a copy of the authorization certificates of all team members, professional CVs of all team members, with the CVs dated and signed, the structure of the CV will be as follows:
  1. full name,
  2. designation of position in the solving team,
  3. highest attained education,
  4. overview of professional experience in the relevant field,
  5. relevant contracts they have participated in,
  6. written statement of the concerned person, indicating that all stated data are true.

The candidate may demonstrate professional and technical qualification through other persons. They must submit to the issuer the following:
  1. documents proving the fulfillment of professional competence by another person,
  2. documents proving the fulfillment of the missing part of qualification through another person,
  3. documents on the fulfillment of basic competence by another person and
  4. written commitment of another person to provide performance intended for fulfilling the public contract or to provide goods or rights, which the contractor will be entitled to dispose of in the fulfillment of the public contract, at least to the extent that the other person has demonstrated qualification for the contractor.
Professional qualification according to items b) to d) and technical qualification according to item a) can only be demonstrated through another person if that person will hold the position of principal designer during the fulfillment of the contract.

Qualification can be demonstrated for only one bid.

The stated authorizations can also be demonstrated by similar authorizations in EU countries.

7. Contents of the bid

Formal information:
  • Identification details of the candidate:
  • in the case of a legal person:
  • business name or title,
  • registered office,
  • legal form and identification number (if assigned),
  • in the case of an individual:
  • business name or first and last name,
  • place of business or residence, and
  • identification number (if assigned).
  • Architectural study
  • Technical qualification,
  • Consent of the candidate to use the study for their own purposes and promotion of the project,
  • Required cooperation from CRA and specification of necessary design documents,
  • Price part,
  • Proposal for the contract for work.

8. Form of the bid

The candidate submits the competition proposal in digital form to a data repository with the following content:
Panels of the graphical part in *.pdf format at a resolution for publishing the competition proposal on the web, or in print,
text part in *.doc or *.docx format, or tables in *.xls or *.xlsx format,
on data carrier:
will be submitted together with a printed version,
the data carrier will be labeled "CRA Strahov - completion of the complex" and will be secured against damage,

printed form:
delivered in packaging labeled "CRA Strahov - completion of the complex".

9. Framework schedule of the competition

1. Announcement of the competition T0
2. Confirmation of participation in the selection process T0 + 10 working days
3. Site inspections and questions from candidates T0 + 15 working days
4. Submission of competition proposals T1 = T0 + 3 months
5. Presentation of competition proposals T1 + 5 working days
6. Questions from the issuer T1 + 5 working days
7. Evaluation of the competition T1 + 10 working days
8. Contract signing T2 = T1 + month
9. Implementation of phases 1-7 from 9/2024 onwards according to the approved Gantt chart

10. Prizes, rewards, and reimbursement of costs associated with participation in the competition

10.1. Prizes

The issuer of the competition will award the bids placed in the top three positions as follows:

1st prize is set at CZK 80,000 (in words: eighty thousand Czech crowns).
2nd prize is set at CZK 40,000 (in words: forty thousand Czech crowns).
3rd prize is set at CZK 20,000 (in words: twenty thousand Czech crowns).

The issuer will not pay any reimbursement of costs associated with participation in the competition.

10.2. Tax obligations related to the prizes and rewards distributed in the competition

Prizes, rewards, and reimbursements awarded in the competition to non-business individuals will be reduced by a 15% income tax according to § 36, para. 2 letter i) of Act No. 586/1992 Coll., on income tax, as amended, which will be paid by the issuer according to Act No. 280/2009 Coll., tax order, as amended, to the tax administrator.

Prizes and rewards awarded in the competition to legal persons and business individuals will be paid in full and taxed by the legal person, or the business individual themselves within their regular tax return as per Act No. 586/1992 Coll., on income tax, as amended.

10.3. Inclusion of the prize in the fee for the subsequent contract

The awarded prize will be included in the total fee in the event that a contract for the execution of the subsequent order for a usual fee is concluded between the issuer and the awarded participant.

11. Copyright

11.1. Ensuring protection of copyright to the proposal in relation to candidate - author

The candidate will demonstrate protection of copyright to the proposal by:
  1. statement that the candidate is also the author in case the competition proposal is submitted by a natural person who is both a participant and author, or a legal entity whose statutory body is the person who is the author of the proposal,
  2. licensing agreement governing the settlement of copyright between authors - natural persons submitting the proposal jointly as a candidate,
  3. licensing agreement governing the settlement of copyright between legal entities submitting the proposal jointly as a candidate, if the author of the proposal is the statutory body or employee of the legal entity,
  4. licensing agreement between the candidate and the author in case the author is a subcontractor of the candidate.

11.2. Ensuring protection of copyright to the proposal in relation to candidate - issuer
  1. Authors of competition proposals retain their copyrights, can publish their competition proposals, and may reuse them in other cases.
  2. By submitting competition proposals, candidates express their consent to the free reproduction and exhibition of their competition proposals within the promotion of the competition and its results.
  3. Awarded and rewarded proposals become the property of the issuer. Authors of these proposals grant the issuer consent to use their copyrighted works for the purposes of this competition. The use of the proposals or parts of their works for purposes other than those stated in these Competition Conditions is subject to the explicit permission of the authors.

12. Submission of competition proposals

12.1. Digital form
Confirmation of participation and the offer must be delivered to the issuer in electronic version via email in MS Office format to [email protected]. In case of a large-volume data format, please send a link and password for downloading the complete offer to the specified email.

The message must be clearly identifiable by the key signs "CRA Strahov - completion of the complex".

The last possible deadline for submitting the competition proposal, that is, the moment when the competition period ends, is September 13, 2024, at 14:00 hours.

Candidates who submit proposals after this deadline will be excluded from the competition.

12.2. Printed version

The competition proposal in printed form can be delivered no later than during its personal presentation, i.e., within five working days from the end of the competition period.

The last possible deadline for submitting the competition proposal in printed form, that is, the moment when the deadline for submission of printed proposals ends, is September 13, 2024, at 17:00 hours.

Candidates who submit proposals after this deadline will be excluded from the competition. Upon personal delivery, the issuer has the right not to accept a proposal submitted after the end of the competition period.

In case of sending the proposal by mail or other public transport service, the sender must ensure that the proposal is delivered to the above address in the stated term, in their own interest.

The person receiving the proposals will mark them with the date and time of receipt. In the case of personal delivery, a receipt confirming the proposal's acceptance will be issued to the candidate with the date and time of receipt.

Our mission

We are a provider of unique television, radio, and internet infrastructure that enables our customers to deliver media content effectively.

We translate technological trends into innovative media, telecommunications, and IT infrastructure services that deliver value to our customers.

International background

The 100% owner of Českých Radiokomunikací shares is Cordiant Digital Infrastructure Limited (hereafter "Cordiant"), investing primarily in the core infrastructure of the digital economy - data centers, optical networks, and broadcasting and telecommunications towers in the UK, Europe, and North America.
Currently, Cordiant’s portfolio includes Hudson Interxchange, Emitel, and Speed Fibre, which together offer stable, often index-linked income, and growth potential in accordance with the company's "Buy, Build & Grow" model.

Cordiant is an investment company with expertise and experience in digital infrastructure. It invests in global infrastructure and real assets, operating infrastructure for private equity, and infrastructure private credit strategies through partnership funds and managed accounts. Cordiant's current client base consists of global insurance companies, pension plans, and family offices. The company's strategy is to focus on mid-markets where infrastructure companies can be acquired at attractive prices and then expanded through investments.

Our values

Customer orientation
Customer satisfaction is a priority for each of us. We strive to deliver expected value to our customers and build strong and lasting relationships with them.

Responsibility and professionalism
We are responsible for our results, actions, and behavior, both as individuals and as a team. We perform every task professionally, carefully, and responsibly, with an emphasis on maximum efficiency. We work at full capacity and, if necessary, are always ready to take an extra step to ensure an excellent outcome.

Each of us is bound in our actions by basic ethical and moral principles, honesty, and adherence to the company's internal rules. We support open and direct communication.

We seek ways to solve things faster, better, and smarter. We advocate new ideas, thoughts, and opinions that move us forward.

Team spirit
Each of us has a specific role in the company, but we all strive for the same goal. We complement each other and realize that we will achieve our goals only if we function together as one team.
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