Liberec – The neglected area known as Papírové náměstí in the lower center of Liberec is set to transform in the future into a creative and residential quarter with ponds, parks, playgrounds, narrow streets, and also a place where there will be no large parking lots as there are now. The studio re:architekti succeeded in this competitive dialogue. Representatives from the city and the evaluation committee informed journalists about the results. The area, located between Soukenné náměstí and the elementary school on Barvířská street, is one of the most neglected places in the center of the city with a population of one hundred thousand, although some houses have been renovated in recent years.
"How this place is composed, they devised, which we noted, the most brilliant and interesting way to organize the development to achieve maximum densities," said committee member Osamu Okamura. He also appreciated, for example, the emphasis the authors of the winning study placed on the quality of public space and on managing rainwater to retain it in the area. "It brings very interesting moments, such as the park under the terraces along Lucemburská street, which thematizes the very unique Jizera landscape," he added.
Another committee member and representative Jindřich Felcman praised how the authors of the winning proposal worked with narrow passages through residential blocks. "It will support the character of Liberec's Stínadla, where a person passes through a block via some narrow alley. There will be surprising views; it will be a more adventurous place for them. They captured the atmosphere of the place," he said.
The head of the city's architecture office Jiří Janďourek believes that the proposed concept does not create a dangerous place. "It does not create a ghetto in the sense of narrow streets. It is just a piece of a block and then an open space," Janďourek stated.
The current buildings in this area have gabled roofs, while the new designs plan for green roofs. Janďourek estimates that there could be 350 to 400 apartments created, of which over 100 would be on city-owned land. According to the study, large parking lots currently in the area should disappear. The authors of the winning proposal suggest building a parking garage on the edge of the area, near the Billa store, and partially utilizing the so-called Linserka for parking as well.
The city will now have the winning studio prepare a land use study, which will take several months. "It should amend the land use plan as it was approved, mainly in the so-called regulations. And according to that land use study, individual landowners can start planning their investments, their buildings," said Mayor Jaroslav Zámečník. About 20 different owners have land in this area, with the city owning the most. It owns approximately 10,000 m². The studio re.architekti will also prepare an architectural-landscape proposal for the city council for the revitalization of the urban terraces located above Papírové náměstí from the direction of Sokolovské náměstí.