Selection procedure for the design of the pavilion and exhibition of the Czech Republic at EXPO 2010

Tisková zpráva
23.07.2008 00:40
The Office of the General Commissioner for the Czech Republic's participation at EXPO 2010 announced a competition for the design of the comprehensive work of the pavilion and exhibition of the Czech Republic, including its realization and operation at the Universal Exposition EXPO 2010 in Shanghai.

> Competition for the design of the pavilion and exhibition of the Czech Republic at EXPO 2010
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Half a century ago, we enchanted the world with our performance at the World Exhibition in Brussels. Will we nostalgically remember in museums? Or will Czech creatives revive the successful tradition on the grounds of billion-strong China? The EXPO in Shanghai will start in less than two years, and we are currently seeking the style of the Czech presentation.

As of July 22, 2008, the office of the Czech General Commissioner announced the main public competition regarding the Czech participation at the World Exhibition EXPO 2010. After the government of the Czech Republic allocated 532 million crowns for the state's presentation at the cultural and economic Olympics of nations, the procurer will now seek the optimal content and form of the Czech performance. 34 percent of this amount is allocated for the realization and operation of the pavilion. The winner of the selection procedure will receive a contract with an estimated maximum value of 182,625 million CZK.
With an expected attendance of 70 million people over the 6-month duration of the exhibition, it can be anticipated that up to 30,000 visitors will pass through the Czech pavilion daily. Thus, the outcome of the competition will be crucial for the success of the Czech performance at EXPO 2010.
The public competition for the comprehensive work of the exhibition and pavilion will last until October 22, 2008, which is the last day for submitting bids. The theme of the Czech participation at EXPO 2010 - "Fruits of Civilization" - provides great scope for the application of creative and implementation teams composed of experts in the field. "The partner of the KGK will be a general contractor who must demonstrate experience with the realization of large construction contracts outside their home country. In the creative team, we require the participation of an architect, designer, author of the conceptual design, and planner," explained pavilion manager MgA. Petr Prokop.
The selection committee, led by General Commissioner Ing. Pavel Stehlík, MBA, will assess two key criteria: cost-effectiveness and attractiveness of the solution. "We will look at whether the proposal is innovative, enchanting, whether it brings new solutions and uses elements that can be applied at such an exhibition as the one we are organizing. We will also consider what technical solutions it offers. If we need the pavilion to accommodate 30,000 people daily, the solution must technically meet this requirement," says the general commissioner of the Czech participation at EXPO. A complete overview of the assessment criteria can be found in the tender documentation, and all further information related to the mentioned selection procedure can be found at
The General Commissioner, Ing. Pavel Stehlík, MBA personally addressed creative personalities from various fields that influence the lifestyle of the Czech Republic in the first decade of the third millennium to inform them of the announcement of the competition. "Our national participation at EXPO 2010 in Shanghai is a highly prestigious affair, and therefore my effort is to ensure the widest and highest quality participation in this selection procedure," emphasized Pavel Stehlík.
The organizers of the exhibition, which will take place in the 20 million city of Shanghai, have focused attention on the current issue of the burgeoning global agglomerations. The main theme of EXPO 2010 Better City - Better Life reflects the interest of the international community in the 21st century to manage this turbulent development with regard to the quality of life of urban residents. Therefore, the intention of the Office of the General Commissioner is to present the best that our nation has created in the field of urban civilization.
While in the past our exhibition was oriented towards artistic-cultural presentation, now we would like to choose a broader scope. In line with the concept approved by the government, we intend to present the Czech Republic as a modern, developed, and prosperous country, an attractive tourist destination, and an interesting investment space. We want to emphasize the present of the country, not its history. "That is why we do not want to associate it this time with the Baroque or glassworks. That is, things that we repeatedly bring to EXPO, and although they are interesting, it is still somewhat repetitive. We intend to show the Czech Republic as a state of the 21st century," asserts General Commissioner Pavel Stehlík.
Thirty percent of the pavilion's area will be reserved for economic activities and economic promotion of the country. A Meeting Room will be part of the pavilion for representatives of the Czech Republic as well as business entities. We want to emphasize a new composition of accompanying programs. In the area designated for presentations, Prague will present a flood barrier system (the project was selected by an international committee in the competition as an example of outstanding urban planning solutions); we also aim to involve the Czech public in the search for the Pearls of the Czech Republic, in the Multimedia Hall we want to present regions and our partners to the visitors of the exhibition using modern communication tools, and through the EXPO On-line project, we want to convey the atmosphere of the pavilion to those who cannot visit the World Exhibition in Shanghai in person.

EXPO 2010 Shanghai in points
  • Date: May 1, 2010 - October 31, 2010
  • Expected number of visitors: 70 million, with estimates suggesting that 90 percent will be Chinese
  • Expected daily attendance in the Czech pavilion: an average of 30,000 people/day
  • Expected number of participating countries and organizations: as of July 2008, 211 so far
  • Operating hours of the exhibition: 9:00 AM - 12:00 AM
  • Operating hours of the Czech pavilion: 9:30 AM - 10:30 PM
  • Websites:,
  • The main theme of EXPO 2010 in Shanghai announced by the organizers is: "Better City - Better Life"
  • Theme of the national participation of the Czech Republic at EXPO 2010: "Fruits of Civilization"
Composition of the selection committee:
  • Ing. Helena Bambasová - Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
  • PhDr. Ondřej Černý - Director of the National Theatre in Prague
  • Ing. Milan Hovorka - Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
  • Ing. Václav Kasík - General Director of Czech Radio
  • Ing. arch. Zdeněk Lukeš - Art Historian
  • Marek Pokorný - Director of the Moravian Gallery in Brno
  • Akad. arch. Ing. Miroslav Řepa - Architect
  • Ing. Jaromír Talíř - Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic
  • Mgr. Adolf Toman - Advisor
  • Doc. Ing. Jiří Volf CSc. - Advisor to the Minister of the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic
  • Mgr. Martin Štěpánek - Advisor to the Prime Minister
  • Ing. Pavel Antonín Stehlík, MBA - General Commissioner of the participation of the Czech Republic
  • Mgr. Miloslava Kumbárová - Executive Director of KGK EXPO
  • Martina Hončíková - Manager of accompanying programs KGK EXPO
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