Competition for the design modifications of Svobody Square in Znojmo

Společnost Petra Parléře
Tisková zpráva
02.02.2009 14:10

The city of Znojmo announces a public ideational single-round urban planning and architectural competition for the proposal to modify Freedom Square in Znojmo.

> Complete text of the competition conditions

Competition organizer
Name: City of Znojmo, Obroková 10/12, 669 02 Znojmo
Authorized representative of the organizer: Ing. Petr Nezveda, Mayor of the city
Tel/fax: 515 216 255
E-mail: [email protected]

Competition secretary
Petra Parléře, o.p.s., Dr. Allan Gintel, Mlýnská 60/2, 160 00 Prague 6
Tel/fax: 233 380 411 / 220 380 354
E-mail: [email protected]

Subject of the competition
The subject of the competition is the preparation of a comprehensive urban planning and architectural proposal for the modifications of Freedom Square in Znojmo.

The main goal of the competition is to propose an architectural and urban concept for the square and its immediate surroundings to create a quality urban environment that connects to the compact development of the historical center. The purpose of the competition is to gain new ideas for the most socially, technically, and economically effective way to redevelop the defined area.

Competition materials provided to competitors
The competition materials are prepared in digital form (texts in doc format, graphic materials in dgn, dwg, dxf, jpg, tif, pdf formats) and will be provided on a CD.
The competition conditions and materials will be sent based on a written order by mail as cash on delivery; exceptionally, they can be picked up in person at the competition secretariat upon prior telephone agreement at 220 380 411, no later than 10 days before the submission deadline, i.e., by May 20, 2009.
For providing the competition materials, the applicant is obliged to pay a deposit of 500 CZK (in words: five hundred crowns). The amount is payable in cash upon receipt of materials or to the account of Petra Parléře, o.p.s. at Raiffeisenbank, account no. 100 111 8160/5500 and will be refunded at the time of awarding the prizes to all competitors who submit a proposal that meets the conditions of the competition.

Regular members of the jury:
Dependent on the organizer:
  • Ing. Petr Nezveda
  • PhDr. Jiří Kacetl
  • Ing. arch. Iveta Ludvíková
  • Ing. arch. Tomáš Hradečný
  • Ing. arch. Milan Körner
  • Ing. arch. Jan Sedlák
  • Ing. arch. Eva Špačková
Alternates of the jury:
  • Mgr. Zdeněk Čižmář
  • Ing.arch.Zbyněk Ryška
  • 1st prize is set at 300,000 CZK
  • 2nd prize is set at 200,000 CZK
  • 3rd prize is set at 100,000 CZK
Basic competition deadlines
  • Date of announcement of the competition: February 2, 2009
  • The deadline for submitting questions by competitors is until February 27, 2009
  • The deadline for answering questions is until March 13, 2009
  • Date of submission of competition proposals in person, by courier, or by mail is set for May 30, 2009, by 11:30 AM to the competition secretariat
  • The date of the jury meeting to evaluate the competition proposals is tentatively set for June 16, 2009. The exact date of the evaluative meeting will be determined during the competition
> The complete text of the competition conditions can be found at
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