On the occasion of the meeting of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Architecture at VUT in Brno, a public habilitation lecture will take place in accordance with § 72, paragraph 9 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on higher education on the topic: “Regional Architecture (the work of architects in the 20th century in Moravia, contemporary architecture of the region, projects for the municipality of Trojanovice, personal work)” and the defense of the habilitation thesis on the topic: “A collection of published engineering works supplemented with commentary” in the field of Architecture
Ing. arch. Kamila Mrvy, Ph.D. May 23, 2017, at 3:00 PM at the Faculty of Architecture VUT in Brno, Poříčí 5, room A118
Habilitation Commission:
Chairman: prof. Ing. arch. Jiljí ŠINDLAR, CSc. – FAST VUT in Brno Members: doc. Ing. arch. Maxmilián WITTMANN, Ph.D. – FA VUT in Brno prof. Ing. arch. Zdeněk FRÁNEK – FUA TU in Liberec prof. Ing. arch. Mojmír KYSELKA, CSc. – Tomešova 4a, 602 00 Brno prof. Ing. arch. Petr URLICH, CSc. – FSv ČVUT in Prague
Opponents: prof. Ing. arch. Mojmír KYSELKA, CSc. – Tomešova 4a, 602 00 Brno doc. Ing. arch. Michal HRONSKÝ, Ph.D. – FA STU in Bratislava doc. Ing. arch. Antonín ODVÁRKA, Ph.D. – FAST VUT in Brno