Pecha Kucha Night Bratislava is a live presentation of architects, graphic designers, designers, visual artists, and theorists of architecture, design, and visual arts. Pecha Kucha (pecha-kucha) is a term from Japanese that refers to the sound made during a conversation. It was named after the fixed format devised by architects Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham, founders of the architectural studio Klein Dytham architecture (, which they introduced in Tokyo in 2003. Their goal was to create a dynamic and exceptional space for creative creators to informally and live present their work. Without lengthy and boring speeches. The success came. Pecha Kucha Night has expanded from Tokyo to 101 capitals around the world, giving local creators a unique opportunity to showcase themselves to the public. The principle is simple. Each participant has twenty images, which are shown one after another. Each image remains on the projection screen for only 20 seconds, and this time is reserved for commentary. 6 minutes and 40 seconds. This allows a larger and more diverse group of creators to be presented during one evening. This year, it will be held for the first time in Slovakia, in two cities: Bratislava and Žilina. A total of 10 times.
The first one will take place on February 28 at 20:20 in the Banquet Hall at Hotel Kyjev. During this event, the following will present: Beef Architects, Erik Binder, Design on Wheels, Jarmila Džuppová, Maroš Fečík / ± architects, Hertha Hurnaus (at), Sylvia Jokelová, Radovan Martinček, Peter C. Abony, Juraj Sukop, Erik Šille, Jan Tabor, and Gerhard Binder / F.E.A. (at), Vallo Sadovsky Architects, Karol Weisslechner.