The jubilee, tenth Znojmo PechaKucha will this time focus on ARCHITECTURE! Come on November 1, 2014, at 20:20 to the large hall of the Svět cinema, Havlíčkova 7, Znojmo.
Presenters: 1. Antonín Novák - architect 2. Zdeněk Fránek - Brno architect and university lecturer 3. Architekti3 - Znojmo architectural studio and design shop 4. Okrašlovací spolek - about the Znojmo villa of architect Armand Weisner on Rudoleckého Street 5. ARCHWERK architectural workshop - project Sea of Calm 6. O.R.A. - Original Regional Architecture 7. Adam Wlazel and Kateřina Vídenová - MAK/Mobile Architectural Office 8. Marie Davidová - CollColl: Collective of Architects and Designers 9. Zuzana Kuldová - Institute of Planning and Development of the City of Prague 10. Center for Central European Architecture 11. Tomáš Zdvihal, Mirek Vodák - ČBArch: civil association striving to influence contemporary architecture in the city of České Budějovice 12. edit! - architectural studio
Admission 100 CZK
PechaKucha Night Znojmo is organized by the civic association Umění do Znojma with financial support from the city of Znojmo. The general partner of the event is Vinotéka Vínovín, the center of Znojmo wines and supporter of culture!