Fugalite® Eco WE IMPROVE OUR HEALTH BY PROTECTING OUR ENVIRONMENT FROM MOISTURE AND MOLD. About 2% of every square meter of ceramic tiling consists of joints, where bacteria, mold, and dirt usually reside, and therefore they do not have the same functional properties as the remaining 98%.
There are over 100,000 species of fungi and molds (IHEM – Institute of Hygiene, Epidemiology, and Mycology in Brussels).
Filling joints between tiles and flooring with common absorbent cement grouts causes damage due to: ● stains caused by absorbed liquids ● loss of cohesion due to chemical aggression ● uneven fading of pigments ● proliferation of molds, fungi, and bacteria ● accumulation of dirt
Degradation factors of this kind in the environment may be linked to health issues for residents: ● respiratory diseases ● allergies ● skin inflammation
In humid rooms such as kitchens and bathrooms, these phenomena manifest more prominently and intensely due to the higher concentration of moisture, water vapor, and heat, which facilitate their development.
GreenBuilding Kerakoll® limits the onset of diseases related to poor building construction: the choice of certified bacteriostatic and fungistatic materials such as Fugalite® Ecoensures complete hygiene and easy maintenance of floors and ceramic tiles.
The medical and scientific department of Kerakoll® continuously conducts research to find solutions that meet people's demands for living in healthy homes while caring for the environment. The department works with the results of the best research in the fields of biomedicine, epidemiology, pulmonology, materials technology, pollution research, and their impact on the environment.
FROM USER REQUIREMENTS TO RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Our products are created based on genuine and individual market demand. These requirements inspire us. We work on them to provide the most effective and reliable solutions. Numerous studies highlight the immense importance of ensuring bacteriostatic and fungistatic properties of joints between ceramic tiles to prevent the proliferation of organisms harmful to human health and potential causes of respiratory difficulties such as asthma, rhinitis, or allergies. CERTIFIED AND PATENTED PARAMETERS THE BEST GUARANTEE FOR USERS Fugalite® Eco - Eco-compatible, certified, ceramic grout.
Fugalite® Eco has technical parameters certified by well-known European research laboratories, which test and determine the characteristics of products in reproduced real conditions, having the greatest impact on their efficiency in actual usage conditions. Fugalite® Eco is a ceramic grout certified by the French CSTB institute in the microbiological laboratory of the Department of Energy, Health, and Environment, Health Division, which represents one of the most important European research centers in this field. Fugalite® Eco opens new perspectives for enhancing the hygienic level of ceramic surfaces:
Fugalite® Eco is the first ceramic grout that guarantees the connection of the technical, functional, and aesthetic parameters of ceramics
Fugalite® Eco definitively resolves aesthetic and functional issues with joints
Fugalite® Eco is liquid ceramic that ensures full homogeneity and continuity of the joint surface and perfect uniformity of color, which does not change over time
Fugalite® Eco can be washed like tile surfaces, it is completely non-absorbent and stain-resistant, and when wet does not change color
Fugalite® Eco is like ceramic, completely impermeable to water, pollutants, and dirt
Fugalite® Eco has increased resistance to aggressive chemical agents, making it ideal for all surfaces, both at home and in high-traffic areas
Fugalite® Eco is bacteriostatic, fungistatic, hygienic, and safe
Fugalite® Eco is easy to apply and can be used on all materials and in any situation
UNUSUAL SOLUTIONS PERFECT COLOR PLAY Fugalite® Eco is a liquid ceramic material, ensuring continuous grouting for all kinds of ceramic materials and glass mosaics. It is available in 4 color collections, totaling 30 different colors, which create space for creativity and the most original ideas, allowing for unusual solutions and the unique beauty of interiors. Classic Collection – Design - Colors
Crystal Collection From the experience and tradition of Swarowski Company, microbeads of recycled glass were born, used in the crystal collection.
Fugalite® Eco Crystal in bianco extrafine and neutro colors complements the color collection and adds value and luxury character to the tiles
Fugalite® Eco bianco extrafine - the purity of fine glass microbeads gives ceramic tiles added value and the glass mosaic a unique appearance, ensuring constant cleanliness and gloss of the surface
Fugalite® Eco neutro - thanks to the transparency of the fine glass microbeads, Fugalite® Eco reflects and diffuses light, while reflecting the color of the tiles and mosaic, creating a surprising impression of a continuous surface.
Fuga-Glitter - a very fine, shiny powder added in a simple way to Fugalite® Eco in the desired proportion according to the expected effect, highlighting the shine and pattern of the tiling in a continuous play of reflections and shadows.
FOR PERFECT JOINTS LIQUID CERAMICS Fugalite® Eco is a liquid ceramic that differs from other grouts because it represents an unprecedented ease of application and washing.
● Easy manual and machine preparation ● No unpleasant odors are released ● Easily spreadable ● Perfectly fills joints ● Immediate cleaning possibility with a sponge and water ● Absolute non-absorbency ● Does not change color ● Cleans like ceramic
For exceptional hardness, any residues and color traces of liquid ceramic Fugalite® Eco that may remain on the surface can be removed by washing with the special eco-detergent Fuga-Soap Eco.