ASSIGNMENT Will be announced on Wednesday, December 9 at 10 a.m.
CONTESTANTS All university students except first-year students of the FUA program in Architecture. Proposals can be developed individually or in groups. The competition is non-anonymous.
JURY Your work will be evaluated by a jury made up of all fourteen first-year FUA students. Each of the fourteen jurors will have 3 votes to distribute among the proposals at their discretion. A juror may allocate all votes to a single proposal. The top three proposals with the most points will be awarded.
SUBMISSION FORMAT FOR THE PROPOSAL One multi-page PDF file displaying the proposal in a free graphic presentation on 1-2 pages. On the next page, there will be a brief text describing the proposal and its idea (max. 0.5 standard pages). Free graphic presentation: sketch, photo of the model, visualization, collage, etc. with clear communicative value. Send the competition proposal file named according to the pattern "COMPETITION_FIRSTNAME_LASTNAME" to the email [email protected] no later than 2:00 p.m. on December 10, 2020. Send any questions to the same address.
ANNOUNCEMENT OF WINNERS The announcement of the competition will take place on Thursday, December 10, 2020, at 7 p.m. The location and format (in-person/distance) of the announcement will be specified. All competition proposals will be showcased on social media.
PRIZES 1st place – gingerbread villa size L 2nd place - gingerbread villa size M 3rd place - gingerbread villa size S