Young Architect Award 2017 - competition results

Tisková zpráva
30.09.2017 16:15
The best works of the 9th year of the competition for students and architects under 33 were awarded on September 21, 2017, traditionally at the FOR ARCH international construction fair. Out of a total of 39 registered studies on the theme of Periphery inside and on the edge, the jury sent 11 works to the finals. The general partner CEMEX Czech Republic also awarded a prize, and the public was given a chance to vote. Selected projects will be displayed during a traveling exhibition, which started at the FOR ARCH fair.

The Young Architect Award competition gives students and emerging architects under 33 a chance to showcase their talent. The purpose is to engage authors in creating quality living environments, to bring architecture closer to the general public, and last but not least, to support public discussion about architecture. The expert jury evaluated the works based on the selection of the topic, conceptuality and contextuality of the solution, quality of architectural/urban design, contribution to the quality of the environment, sustainability, innovation, and originality of the work.
“The YAA competition is one of the first opportunities for young architects and students to test their skills and measure their strengths on an international scale. It seems that the theme of 'Periphery' is a very serious issue, which is evidenced by the relatively large number of works that respond very aptly to this problem. The awarded authors possess considerable talent and inventiveness. It is clear that part of the newly emerging architectural generation takes its mission seriously and that the quality of Czech architecture can compete in an international context,” says jury chairman Petr Stolín.

The jury decided to award the following works:

CEMEX Young Architect Award 2017
Spa for the Soul

Author: Radka Leláková
School: Faculty of Architecture, ČVUT in Prague
Studio: Atelier Redčenkov
Josef Hlávka Architect Award
Decompression Boundary of Cheb​

Author: Ing. arch. Tereza Kupková
School: Faculty of Architecture, ČVUT in Prague
Studio: Redčenkov
Rector of the ČVUT Award for Student Work
New Urban District in Náchod

Author: Ing. arch. Jakub Kopecký
School: Faculty of Art and Architecture, Technical University of Liberec
Studio: Atelier Radka Suchánka and Petra Janoše
Rector of TUL Award for Student Work
Between the Housing Estate and the City

Author: Viktória Mravčáková
School: AAAD in Prague
Studio: Architecture I
Modern Community Magazine Award
for contributions to strengthening community cohesion of the residents of the given locality
ZBYT _ 461<461 Strategy
Authors: Martin Valíček, Bc. Linda Boušková
School: Faculty of Architecture, VUT in Brno
Studio: Atelier Kristek - Sedlák
ARCHITECT+ Magazine Award

for innovative and sensitive approach to solutions
Linear Spas
Author: Tereza Scheibova
School: AAAD in Prague
Studio: Architecture IV.
ERA21 Magazine Award
for quality presentation of a chosen architectural idea, not in an impressive graphic form, but in terms of communicability, persuasiveness, and comprehensibility to both professional and lay audiences
New Structures in Old Tracks | White Swan
Author: MgA. Monika Jasioková
School: AVU in Prague
Studio: Emil Přikryl Architecture School
The general partner CEMEX Czech Republic also awarded a prize, along with the Public Award

Municipal House, Těšín - sustainable dual city without barriers​

Author: Ing. arch. Tereza Roszková
School: Faculty of Civil Engineering, VŠB-TU Ostrava
Studio: Kiszka

“As a company, we strive to help talented individuals because they determine the direction of future development. We are proud to support talented young architects in the Czech Republic as well,” says Vesselin Barliev, Public Affairs and Communication Manager, CEMEX Czech Republic.

Public Award
Conversion of the former textile factory area in Železný Brod
Author: Ing. arch. Petr Stojanov
School: Faculty of Architecture, ČVUT in Prague
Studio: Atelier Rothbauer

The expert jury worked under the leadership of jury chairman Petr Stolín, PETR STOLÍN ARCHITEKT, with members: Zdeňka Vydrová, city architect of Litomyšl, Jiří Opočenský, ov architekti, David Mareš, třiarchitekti, and Josef Pechar, Foundation "Nadání J., M. a Z. Hlávkových".

As part of the announcement of the results, the first stop of the traveling exhibition of competition works took place. The exhibition will visit other locations within the Czech Republic.

General partner: CEMEX Czech Republic
Partners: Center for Supporting Computer Graphics CR, SPYRON, Foundation "Nadání J., M. a Z. Hlávkových", FOR ARCH, PVA EXPO PRAHA
Patronage: MMR, MŽP, MK, MŠMT, SMO ČR, capital city Prague, statutory cities: Brno, Ostrava, Liberec
Professional patronage: ČKA, ČKAIT
Main media partners: Moderní obec, ERA21, ARCHITECT+, KABINET Publishing,
Media partners: ASB, STAVITEL, STAVBA, EARCH., Roofs-Facades-Isolations, inspiration, ARCHINFO, FOR cities and municipalities, WOOD&construction for cities and municipalities, Top trends in living/housing,, PROPAMÁTKY
Partner schools: ČVUT in Prague, FUA TUL, FA VUT in Brno, FAST VŠB-TU Ostrava, ZF Mendel University in Brno, VŠUP in Prague, ARCHIP, FA STU in Bratislava

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