

0 22:05 | The Štiřín Castle has once again failed to sell; for the fifth time, no one registered for the auction
0 21:55 | In Brno, the construction of the tram line to Kamechy has started, and it will be in operation in December 2027
0 21:45 | The definition of the heritage zone in Brno-Kralovo Pole has stood up in court
0 08:40 | The Residence U Milosrdných has been approved. The new construction project took an incredible 25 years.
0 08:00 | Vertiga Hybrid – The only vertical designer radiator for super low water temperatures with the additional Light Cooling® function
0 yesterday | Increasing Trend of Coworking Offices in the Czech Republic: Glass Partitions from Milt as a Key Element of Modern Design
0 24.02. | Dialog of the old with the new: how a century-old masonry understands the engineered stone Technistone
0 24.02. | The leadership of Prague has approved the change of the plan and the contract for the Žižkov Freight Station
0 24.02. | Praha will announce a tender for dendrological work at Karlovo náměstí
0 24.02. | The former branch of Komerční banka in Smíchov was bought by the Ústí-based Manoral Global
0 24.02. | In Brno, the construction of a concert hall has begun, Fiala praised the city for its major projects
0 24.02. | The castle in Rosice near Brno is set to undergo repairs costing 50 million crowns
0 23.02. | Taking More Than What's There to Give - exhibition at Gallery VI PER
0 22.02. | Antonín Novák - lecture at FUA TUL
1 21.02. | The Nature House of the Jeseníky Mountains in Karlova Studánka is to be created according to architects from Brno
0 21.02. | The House of Nature Soutok is to be established in the Břeclav Castle
0 21.02. | The Lidovci will demand an increase in the allocated amount for the construction of affordable housing
0 21.02. | Brno wants to obtain a building permit for a parking garage on Žlutý kopec this year
0 20.02. | The construction of the arena in Jihlava should be completed by early October, and so far it is not exceeding the budget
0 20.02. | The court annulled the territorial decision for the Šantovka Tower high-rise building in Olomouc