6:00 PM Guided tour of the exhibition with studio heads Petr Hájek and Jaroslav Hulín and exhibition curator Adam Gebrian
7:00 PM Moderated discussion on the topic “Teaching Methods at Architectural and Artistic Universities.” The following were invited to the discussion: Petr Hájek (FA ČVUT), Michal Kuzemenský (FA ČVUT), Petr Babák (VŠUP), Zdeněk Fránek (FUA TUL), Antonín Novák (FUA TUL), Roman Brychta (VŠUP). Moderator: Adam Gebrian.
Entrance Fee Guided tour of the exhibition: 60 CZK / 40 CZK students Discussion evening: 60 CZK / 40 CZK students Combined ticket (tour and discussion evening): 90 CZK / 60 CZK students