Future of the Center of Brno - Invitation to the Vernissage
Publisher Tisková zpráva
02.05.2016 17:50
Statutory city of Brno in cooperation with CCEA MOBA cordially invites you to the exhibition, vernissage, and accompanying events for the international urban planning competition for the development of the current main train station and its surroundings:
The Future of Brno's Center
The vernissage will take place on May 10, 2016, at 19:00 in the House of Arts of the City of Brno, where the winner of the competition will also be presented for the first time.
The exhibition will be introduced by judges Martin Ander, Deputy Mayor, architects Silja Tillner, Ivan Plicka, and competition organizer Igor Kovačević.
The exhibition of all designs will run from May 11 to July 24, 2016.
Accompanying program:
May 21, 2016, Saturday, 18:00–24:00 Museum Night Every hour guided tour of the exhibition with the competition organizers
June 2, 2016, Thursday, 18:00 Public presentation of the authors of all awarded designs with the participation of judges Mayor Petr Vokřál, Deputy Mayor Martin Ander, and architects Roger Riewe (Chairman of the Jury) and Silja Tillner
June 9, 2016, Thursday, 18:00 Discussion: The Future of Brno's Center and Water in the City
June 16, 2016, Thursday, 18:00 Discussion: The Future of Brno's Center and Urban Economy
June 23, 2016, Thursday, 18:00 Discussion: The Future of Brno's Center and Urban Mobility