Brno will gradually publish information about the reconstruction of the station

Zdeněk Meitner
04.09.2015 18:05
Czech Republic


Brno - The leadership of Brno has decided to continuously inform the city's residents about interim conclusions from the feasibility study comparing two possible options for the modernization of the railway hub. The key question is where the station will be located, whether under Petrov or in a detached position approximately where the current freight Lower station is located, Mayor Petr Vokřál (ANO) informed at a press conference. All necessary information can be found on the website, and this information is intended to assist in the decision-making process during the referendum. The Greens, as coalition members, do not agree with the texts on the website and demand their revision.

    The feasibility study compares both options and is being prepared by a trio of companies led by SUDOP Brno. It is expected to be completed by November of next year. According to Vokřál, the information for the city’s residents is important so they can make an informed decision. The public vote will take place next autumn alongside the regional elections. The exact date is not yet known. "Even if the study were completed a month before the elections, there would be little time to get the information to the people. That's why we decided to go this route," explained Vokřál. He noted that the previous city leadership informed only one-sidedly.
    However, the current state of the website is criticized by Deputy Mayor Martin Ander (SZ). "The author of the texts only clumsily concealed that they prefer the detached station. We will demand a correction of the misleading statements," Ander stated. He pointed out, for example, that in the option under Petrov, the existing station building will be used, even though the website mentions a move of 300 meters. He also noted that the website contains studies on the development of the Southern Center with the station under Petrov, even though the independent study will only be available later; the assignment was approved by city councilors on Tuesday. According to him, the website contains a number of other purposeful and misleading statements.
    The decision on which option will be built depends on the Ministry of Transport. However, Vokřál stated that it cannot be said that the outcome of the referendum does not matter. For the results of the referendum to be binding, at least 35 percent of eligible voters must participate.
    According to Luděk Sosna from the Ministry of Transport, it is expected that a decision will be made in 2017 on which option will modernize the hub. "This is one of the most complicated projects in the country and has been paralyzed for too long. If the detached option is chosen, the station could open in 2025, assuming the preparatory phase goes well. For the Petrov option, one to two years should be planned for discussion and changes to the zoning plan," Sosna stated.
    The website will gradually provide information, not only about the design of the station itself but also about the transport solutions for the area and the possible shape of the newly created area. Interested parties will also learn how the planned high-speed lines, which are to connect Brno to Prague, Ostrava, and Vienna, would integrate into the new hub.
    The modernization of the Brno hub has been discussed for almost 100 years, and in the last 15 years, it has served as a tool for political struggle.
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