Summer School of Architecture Plasy 2013 - Festive Opening
Publisher Tisková zpráva
10.09.2013 01:00
In the Sport Hotel in Zruč near Plzeň, the Summer School of Architecture Vision for Plasy 2013 is taking place. It is attended by three dozen students from architectural schools in Liberec, Brno, and Ostrava. Under the guidance of architect Jakub Fišer and his six colleagues, students are addressing the urbanism of the town of Plasy, which is renowned primarily for its Cistercian monastery built according to the design of Jan Blažej Santini-Aichel. They are examining, for example, public spaces, connections to the landscape, and various types of paths that would improve pedestrian movement. They are focusing on the possibilities for the future development of the entire town as well as meaningful use of the monastic complex, which began construction in 1144 and is one of the most valuable buildings of its kind in the Czech Republic. “The purpose of the summer school is to develop a comprehensive material for the town of Plasy that describes the current state and proposes adjustments for its improvement. This can be – depending on the chosen solution – presented as a libretto with schematics and textual or graphic expression of relationships, processes, and their initiation, as well as specific proposals,” states the expert guarantor of the summer school, Jakub Fišer. He adds that students are working intensively under the guidance of six architects: “The pedagogical aim of this approach is to experience real assignment work in teams, their ability to discuss and solve partial tasks in relation to others, while being aware of the overall joint output. Within individual teams, it involves group work on a specific topic, its division into smaller independent tasks, and their fulfillment with regard to the overall process.” The results of the collective fourteen-day work of the participants in this unique event will be presented in the convent spaces of the monastery in Plasy on Friday, September 13 - the exhibition will remain here until the end of September and then will be presented in Liberec, Prague, and other towns.