The Building of the Year in the Liberec Region is the renovated spa in Liberec

Leona Vacková
18.09.2014 22:50
Czech Republic


SIAL architekti a inženýři spol. s r.o.

Liberec - The Building of the Year for the Liberec Region 2014 is the city baths in Liberec, where the Regional Gallery has been located since spring. The reconstruction and extension, costing approximately 380 million crowns, was handled for the city of Liberec by the Pardubice-based company Chládek and Tintěra according to the project by the Liberec office SIAL. The modern building received the award from architect Karel Hubáček. Surprisingly, the public voted the reconstruction of the road from Malá Skála to Frýdštejn as the most impressive, said Jiří Langer, spokesman for the Liberec Region, to ČTK today.

The building of the Liberec baths was constructed between 1900 and 1902 according to the project of Viennese architect Peter Paul Brang, and thanks to a subsidy from European funds, it underwent a complete reconstruction in the past three years, along with the addition of a modern depository. Liberec has acquired a gallery of world-class standards. The building is among the 15 nominees for the prestigious Building of the Year 2014 award, organized for the twenty-second time by ABF - Foundation for the Development of Architecture and Construction.
The best buildings in the Liberec Region were announced today in the baths building. Architect Jiří Suchomel became the personality of construction. The Liberec science center iQLandia won the award in the category of civic amenities, and the jury selected the new Membrane Innovation Center in Stráž pod Ralskem as the best industrial building. It also received an award for innovative use of technology. Both of these buildings were created with support from European funds and were among the 65 entered into the Building of the Year 2014 competition. Unlike the baths, however, they did not make it to the final nomination.
This year, the public also decided on one award via the internet. “Voting took place from July 1 to August 31, 2014, with 1457 people sending in their votes, which is a record number. I am pleased that the residents of the region are interested in the competition. The results show that they particularly value transport buildings,” noted the regional councilor for development and chairwoman of the jury, Ivana Hujerová. According to her, 610 people voted for the reconstructed road from Malá Skála to Frýdštejn.
This year, the competition for the Building of the Year took place in the Liberec Region for the tenth time. On the occasion, the region published a publication that maps all the years. Interested parties can thus familiarize themselves with the awarded buildings as well as all buildings entered into the competitions.
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