The future (of cities) is feminine: the most influential female voices in the world of architecture and urban design will meet in Prague at the sixth reSITE 2017 conference: In/visible City on the role of invisible structures for the future shape of cities, which will take place on June 22-23 at Forum Karlín in Prague. This two-day event emphasizes interdisciplinary dialogue and strengthening trust between municipal authorities, architects, and the private sector, without whose synergy successful and sustainable city development cannot exist. The sixth edition of the conference will focus on both invisible and tangible infrastructures and their impact on architecture, urban development, and economic opportunities. A crucial topic for Prague, which is facing the metro line D project and the redevelopment of several brownfields, as well as for Ostrava, Brno, and smaller cities. Public events will also be held from June 21 to 24.
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Redakce ctí v maximální možné míře svobodu slova, nicméně ve výjimečných případech si vyhrazuje právo smazat nebo opatřit komentářem příspěvek, který se netýká tématu diskuse, porušuje platné zákony ČR nebo dobré jméno portálu, obsahuje vulgarismy nebo má reklamní charakter.