Ještěd in a Cage is a competition hosted by the Faculty of Arts and Architecture at the Technical University of Liberec organized by its students. This time, the course of the competition was shrouded in mystery for a long time, which is reflected in the mysterious visuals of Ještěd in the fog. Ještěd in a Cage? We’re coming out of the cage! Since we all completed the last semester “out of the cage,” we decided on a non-traditional format and a new name, Ještěd with the Cage! The exceptional 24th edition of Ještěd with the Cage will conclude the summer online semester online. Student projects will be displayed along the path through which they were created “out of the cage” remotely. Ještěd with the Cage starts on Wednesday, June 24, and will culminate with the announcement of the winners on Friday, June 26! The non-traditional (and we hope, once-in-a-lifetime) edition will also feature a non-traditional program. This year, we have dispensed with concerts and will kick off Ještěd with the Cage with a night walk to watch the sunrise. On Thursday, we will meet at the local cinema Varšava for the screening of a film whose title remains shrouded in mystery. We aim to support a place we cherish and whose fate matters to us through this point in the program. Friday morning will be dedicated to workshops. The park above the university will transform into a handmade paper and candle workshop. On Friday, the jury will also meet via video call to decide “out of the cage” who the winners of this extraordinary edition will be. They are not afraid of this challenging task: Michaela Horáková from mh architects, architect, theorist, and poet Anna Beata Háblová, Richard Héger from RicharDavidArchitekti, theorist and critic of contemporary art Silvie Šeborová, and conceptual artist Jan Nálevka. The announcement of the nominated and winning projects in the categories of art and architecture will take place by the bonfire at the Scout’s Spring, and late at night, we will make our way to the afterparty at Vokno club, where we will once again shrouded the past edition in fog. Ještěd with the Cage will be a melancholic glance into the cage from which we are now out and do not want to go back! Come to to see the semester projects that FUA TUL students created “out of the cage”! You are warmly invited to the night walk, to the cinema, to the workshop, to the spring, or for a drink!