Two-round public project architectural-urban competition Organizer: City of Jičín Processor of competition conditions: Ing. arch. Radek Jiránek, Žižkovo nám. 18, 506 01 Jičín Competition secretary: Mgr. Eva Vogeltanzová, Žižkovo nám. 18, 506 01 Jičín Reviewer of competition proposals: Monika Zelingerová, Žižkovo nám. 18, 506 01 Jičín The subject of the competition was the elaboration of architectural and urban design for the Jičín Barracks encompassing the design of building placements within the addressed area, transportation and technical infrastructure proposals, and the establishment of conditions for development in the relevant area, including regulatory proposals. Competition period: April 22 - October 7, 2013 Jury: Michal Kuzemenský, Antonín Novák, Martin Hilpert, Jiří Liška, Petr Volf; jury substitutes: Petr Hamáček, Radek Jiránek, Ludvík Grym Total prizes and awards: 225,000 CZK
1st prize (100,000 CZK): CUBOID ARCHITEKTI s.r.o. Jury evaluation: The proposal very simply creates a sufficiently attractive living environment without imposing an alien urban structure in the area. The scale and height level of the proposed buildings reflect the location and the possibilities of potential investors. Maintaining the street line defined by the barracks is positively rated, as is the distance from the linden tree avenue. The mass garage barrier in the given topographical configuration may seem inappropriate; it would be beneficial to interrupt it for better permeability. The jury recommends ensuring the passage of Skautská Street across the area to enhance transportation serviceability; it is necessary to find additional traffic connections. The costs for the realization of transportation and technical infrastructure exceed the recommended requirements of the investor. However, the increase is properly justified and the jury considers it appropriate. The proposal is realizable.
2nd prize: not awarded
3rd prize (50,000 CZK): MS plan s. r. o. Jury evaluation: The dominant element of the proposal – a generously designed public space – an extensive urban park is highly debatable. Although this idea may be beneficial, the proposal is not convincing in the given context, the scale is disproportionate, and both existing family houses within its area as well as the traffic routes disrupt its integrity. The interesting idea is not convincingly and thoroughly developed, thus weakening the role of the historical alley. The costs for the realization of transportation and technical infrastructure exceed the recommended requirements of the investor. However, the increase is properly justified and the jury considers it appropriate. The proposal is realizable, provided that fundamental changes are made.
3rd prize (50,000 CZK): Hlaváček – architekti, s.r.o. Jury evaluation: The courage of the generous proposal was positively assessed, but it did not respect the given location in all aspects. The proposed promenade along the alley is debatable concerning the mixing of pedestrian and traffic functions, insufficient differentiation of public and semi-public spaces, as well as the small distance of objects from the trees of the alley. The location of the square is formally inappropriate for the alley. The forecourt of the Jesuit residence Čeřov is handled exemplary; its distance and sightlines highlight this historical dominant. The proposal is realizable, provided that fundamental changes are made.
Reward (25,000 CZK): Ing. arch. Michal Potůček Jury evaluation: The prevailing proposed orthogonal building system along the alley is relevant and exemplary in the correct elaboration of the hierarchy of public, semi-public, and semi-private spaces, but it has remained underutilized in its potential. The axis with included public spaces is unconvincing; the squares are oversized. The transportation system is not clearly separated from public spaces. The transportation serviceability of future development in Čeřovka is not adequately addressed.