An urban and architectural competition has been announced for the barracks site in Jičín
Source Magdaléna Doležalová, Městský úřad Jičín
Publisher Tisková zpráva
14.05.2013 13:20
On April 22, 2013, an urban planning and architectural competition was announced for a design proposal regarding the future appearance of the barracks area in Jičín. The outcome of the competition should be a study based on which the area will be defined by certain rules for subsequent construction. Proposals can be submitted in the first round to the City Office by June 17 at 10:00 AM.
The subject of the competition is the development of an urban planning and architectural proposal for the Kasárna Jičín area, covering the placement of buildings, proposals for transportation and technical infrastructure, and establishing conditions for construction in the area, including regulatory proposals. The design should be prepared in accordance with the City of Jičín's Land Use Plan and with regard to the approved housing development in the Čeřovka area. The location is situated in the northeastern part of the city, not far from the center, between a residential villa quarter from the 1920s called Čeřovka and a four-row linden alley linking the city center with the summer house Lodžie. The area covers approximately 8 hectares. The city aims to find the most suitable solution for the development of this area through the competition and to use the proposal for the preparation of a land-use study. According to the assignment, the study should account for future city investments in infrastructure in this area, capped at 30 million. After the infrastructure is built, the area will be offered to private investors. The competition is announced as a public, project-based, and two-round contest, conducted according to the competition rules of the Czech Chamber of Architects. In the first round, teams of architects are seeking the basic idea of the area. These ideas will then be presented to an evaluation committee composed of architects and city representatives, who can raise comments or supplement the assignment. Martin Hilpert, the architect of the town of Semily, has been elected chairman of the committee. The deadline for submission of proposals in the first round is June 17. Meanwhile, site visits will also take place, and further documentation can be requested from the city architect Ing. arch. Radek Jiránek. In the second round, teams will refine the selected proposals based on the feedback from the evaluation committee and submit a specific proposal for the layout of the area. The deadline for submission of proposals in the second round is temporarily set for October 7, 2013, at 10:00 AM. However, the deadline for the second round may be adjusted. A public presentation of all competition proposals will be part of the competition, allowing the public to voice their opinions on the appearance of the future area. The winners will receive a financial reward of 100,000 CZK for 1st place, 40,000 CZK for 2nd place, and 25,000 CZK for 3rd place. “The city of Jičín hopes to gain possible proposals for the construction of the area from the competition and thus stimulate its further development. The city's goal is also to clearly define the types of construction options, as this is a very significant area in the city,” explains the city architect Ing. arch. Radek Jiránek. However, the competition results may not be binding for the city. “The winning study may ultimately not be implemented exactly as proposed. However, we expect that it will show us specific construction possibilities, based on which we will then make decisions. We also want citizens to have a say in the final form,” explains Deputy Mayor Mgr. Petr Hamáček. The barracks were largely demolished last year, and this year the longest building along the linden trees and the back section next to the smaller adjacent building will also be demolished. The two end buildings toward the center remain and their use will be sought.