Source Marta El Bournová, Společnost Petra Parléře
Publisher Tisková zpráva
22.09.2014 17:30
Single-phase project public anonymous architectural competition within the framework of the Peter Parléř Award 2014.
Organizer: Peter Parléř Society, o.p.s. Co-organizer: town of Nový Hrádek Term: 9.6. - 10. 9. 2014 Subject of the competition: elaboration of an architectural design for the revitalization of the wind turbine on Šibeník Hill and its transformation into an observation tower.
The jury convened to evaluate the competition entries on 15. 9. 2014 with the following members: Bc. Zdeněk Drašnar, mayor of Nový Hrádek Ing. arch. Radek Jiránek, city architect Ing. akad. arch. Michael Gabriel Ing. arch. Alexandr Skalický Ing. arch. Tomáš Vích The jury awarded the following competition entries:
1st prize 60,000 CZK Author: Ing. arch. Pavel Suchý
Jury assessment: The jury evaluates the proposed solution as a convincing archetypical type of observation tower with a simple staircase on the supporting tube of the turbine and appreciated the elegant increase of the tower with the retransmission structure. The supporting building with a high order of windows has a café spirit with a distinct architectural elegance. The cladding of the support building with zinc sheet gives the structure a technically clean but simultaneously contextually non-fitting expression concerning the surrounding landscape. The jury finds the access via the footbridge complicated, which the authors themselves consider unnecessary, and recommends the client to prefer a simpler method of protecting the access to the tower. The design respects the economic goals of the competition; the costs of year-round operation will be sustainable in both cost and operational areas.
2nd prize 40,000 CZK Author: H3T architects
Jury assessment: The jury assesses the design as very interesting. The proposal appears to be economically viable in construction and operation. The support building is flexible and cleverly connected with the rooftop terrace and the tower. The advantage is the potential for phased implementation. The jury is unclear about the structural solution of the gabion envelope of the tower and considers the transfer of the rubble heap to the tower as not entirely convincing. The design is user-friendly, architecturally inspiring, and has the potential to become a pleasant excursion spot for tourists and local residents.
3rd prize 30,000 CZK Authors: Ing. arch. Jakub Kopec, Ing. arch. Jaroslav Sedlák, BcA. Jakub Roček, Mgr. Šárka Svobodová Jury assessment: The jury assesses the proposal as valuable due to its exceptional artistic-theatrical solution and decided to award it, despite the construction and operating costs being challenging for the town to realize. The design is suitable due to its monumentality for a historically significant site with a memorial function and with greater visitor frequency, where its undisputed artistic qualities would shine better.