Selection procedure for the city architect in Benešov
Source Mgr. Helena Kaňková, Město Benešov
Publisher Tisková zpráva
19.12.2016 17:40
The city of Benešov announces a call for applications for consulting and advisory activities in the field of architecture and urbanism, namely for the position of city architect. The role requires approximately eighty hours of work per month, for the needs of the city and the public, as well as a range of other tasks that are listed in the terms of the call for applications along with other requirements. This has also been published on the city of Benešov's website. The future city architect must be either an authorized architect, an authorized urban planner, or both, with the required professional experience in the field being five years. Interested parties can submit their applications by sending or bringing them to the Benešov City Hall by December 31, 2016. The selection process for the city architect is planned to be in two rounds, whereby candidates who advance to the second round will present a list of references. The selected candidate will not be able to participate in architectural competitions announced by the city due to a conflict of interest, nor carry out project activities for external entities in the territory of Benešov and its local parts. The selection process will take place on January 16, 2017, at 9:00 AM in the office of the head of the investment department, based on a prior invitation. Potential applicants for this selection process can inquire with Mgr. Jitka Adamová, head of the investment department of the Department of City Development and Asset Management.