The Circle and the Faculty of Architecture at ETH invite you to the lecture series "Swiss-Czech Inspiration," which is co-funded by the Swiss-Czech Cooperation Program.
Thu 06/03/14, 19:30, auditorium of the Faculty of Law
Christian Kerez
Faculty of Law, Charles University, Curieových Square 7, Prague 1 The lecture will be in English, translated into Czech
The series will open on Thursday, March 6, 2014, with the significant architect Christian Kerez, who is currently designing an unconventional family house in the Czech Republic. Christian Kerez was born in 1962 in Venezuela and studied architecture at ETH, which he will represent at the lecture as a professor. Initially, he focused intensively on publishing on the topic of architectural photography; currently, he is engaged in design and works on various projects of different scales in France, the Czech Republic, Brazil, and China. His projects appear at most major exhibitions of contemporary art and architecture, attracting attention from prestigious international media. Among his most interesting realizations is the Museum of Art in Vaduz – a black object in the city center, designed in collaboration with the firm Morger & Degelo Architects, as well as the widely published glass new building of a school with a bold structure in Leutschenbach in Zurich. He also gained fame for the small chapel constructed of concrete (Oberrealta Chapel) in the 1990s. The Civic Association Circle, in collaboration with the Faculty of Architecture at ETH Zurich, has prepared a prestigious lecture series titled Swiss-Czech Inspirations for architecture enthusiasts. This year in Prague, a number of top architects, theorists, and architectural historians will speak. They will present current trends in world architecture, both in practical and theoretical terms, and introduce the audience to Swiss architecture, which is one of the most compact and inspiring architectures in Europe. All lectures are free and will be simultaneously translated into Czech.
organized by: Civic Association Circle, Circle in cooperation with the Faculty of Architecture ETH Zurich co-financing: Swiss-Czech Cooperation Program under the auspices of: Czech Chamber of Architects partners: Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, AVU Prague School of Architecture project supported by: Swiss-Czech Cooperation Program, Czech Architecture Foundation, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the Capital City of Prague, MDA Prague s.r.o., Metrostav a.s., Sipral a.s. media partners: Era 21, Radio 1,, ArtMap,, the magazine Stavba
The Civic Association Circle has been organizing public events and lectures focused on contemporary developments in architecture since 2001. The goal of the lectures and discussions is to facilitate a dialogue about quality Czech and world architecture and architectural creation to a broader public - i.e., beyond the narrow circle of professionals and architecture students. Circle has already organized more than one hundred lectures by prominent and emerging Czech and foreign architects and architectural theorists, two film festivals on architecture, and an exhibition titled Profession: Architect. It regularly publishes collections of Texts on Architecture. The Civic Association Circle is also the initiator of the nationwide festival Architecture Day.