The Project Reflexion of Architecture focuses on contemporary architecture with an emphasis on current architectural discourse. The implementation of the 3rd year of the project was financially supported by the Bratislava Self-Governing Region and the Austrian Cultural Forum. The project was created in the spring of 2016 at the Faculty of Architecture STU as part of the preparation for the subject Contemporary Trends in Architecture, which is intended for final-year students. From the very beginning, the project aimed not only to expand the syllabus of the subject but especially to create an open communication platform between the academic environment, protagonists of contemporary architecture, and the public, thereby increasing awareness of architecture even among the general public. We started from the assumption that most participants in the architectural discourse are oriented in current expressions of architecture, recognize their formal characteristics and main protagonists, but do not know the genesis of these expressions, their contexts, and the reasons for their emergence. The ambition of the project, therefore, is to place the current architectural discourse in a broader cultural, economic, historical, and geographical context while highlighting the internal architectural relationships as well as the immediate connection between architecture and society. The project introduces current trends, significant personalities, schools, and groups. It focuses on uncovering the phenomena and processes that lie behind the emergence of contemporary architecture, respectively directly influence it. The third series of lectures, taking place in the autumn of 2018, will focus on the Austrian architectural scene, which is particularly inspiring for the Slovak one. Within the series, architects will present who represent practically all generations actively creating in Austria. However, the dramaturgy of the project did not only focus on generational aspects but also on a balanced representation of the most interesting tendencies that characterize contemporary Austrian architecture.
Cycle of lectures, discussions, and critical reflections on architecture:
24.9. / Introductory lecture by Henrieta Moravčíková 1.10. / András Pálffy / Jabornegg-Palffy Architekten 8.10. / Dietmar Eberle / Baumschlager-Eberle Architekten 29.10. / Sven Matt / Innauer Matt Architekten 19.11. / Marie-Therese Harnancourt-Fuchs / The next enterprise Architects 26.11. / Juri Troy / juri troy architects 3.12. / Michael Obrist / Feld 72 10.12. / Roland Gruber / nonconform 17.12. / Final discussion
All lectures are publicly accessible.
Concept of the project: Henrieta Moravčíková Implementation: Nina Bartošová, Henrieta Moravčíková Graphic design: Ľubica Segečová