On the evening of Thursday, February 15, 2018, the culmination of a week-long marathon of exhibitions, lectures, screenings, and concerts organized by architecture students from Liberec took place under the banner of the nineteenth edition of Ještěd f kleci. In the studio of Karel Hubáček at FUA TUL, the jury consisting of Hana Maršíková, Markéta Zdebská, Jan Jehlík, and Peter Jurkovič announced the winners of JFK#19, who were Ema Hrníčková and Patrik Kovaľ from the studio of professors Zdeněk Fránek and Dana Raková with the project Downtown Kerling, Banská Štiavnica.
Other nominations go to: Tereza Pištěková - location by the Church of Kuřivody/Ralsko Daniel Volk - reconstruction of the atrium of FF UK in Prague Jakub Dvořák - municipal office in Lázně Bělohrad Ondrej Jurča - theater in the landscape of Baleal in Portugal
and a special commendation goes to Martin Holada - methodological manual for the urban development of the city of Benešov studio Stolín/Mičeková - for a new approach to teaching architecture
last but not least, the public award was also announced, which was won by: Mirka Baklíková - Restoration of the mining landscape of Karvínsko