
0 07:35 | Říčany u Prahy built a wooden walkway across Mlýnský pond
1 yesterday | Near Brno's Křenová Street, construction of a parking garage with 226 spaces began today
0 yesterday | The narrower circle of nominees for the National Prize for Architecture will be known by September 15
0 yesterday | The renovation of the horse stable in Zákupy cost 373.6 million, will open in April
0 yesterday | Minister Baxa confirmed the declaration of the stud farm in Napajedla as a cultural monument
0 yesterday | Regional Center of ČSOB
0 yesterday | New concert halls are being prepared not only in Prague but also in Brno and Ostrava
0 yesterday | Commented walk through the Stone Colony with Radim Horák
0 17.03 | The Brno Orlí Street in the center will have new paving and a changed row of trees this year
0 17.03 | The Judicial Palace in Olomouc has undergone extensive renovation, highlighting its history
0 17.03 | The Czech door manufacturer SAPELI introduces the Nanoverde doors made from recycled beverage cartons
0 17.03 | Volmanova villa in Čelákovice will once again become the backdrop for the performance Malvína this summer
0 17.03 | Jičín is preparing to renovate Valdická Gate, the project has been extended to include the static stabilization of the facade
0 17.03 | Students will help the town hall find further use for the castle in the center of Prostějov
0 17.03 | Lead Dušan 2025 - competition results
0 16.03 | The Story of Villa Wittal
0 16.03 | The Story of Villa Wittal – Part 2
0 16.03 | The Story of the Wittal Villa – Part 3
0 16.03 | Excursion Liberec: How life is in the iconic Wolkerák
0 14.03 | Talks about Prague: Rückl's Healing Sun Baths
0 14.03 | The significant Brno architect Wiesner is commemorated by the stones of the disappeared
0 14.03 | New flood protection walls on Poříčí street in Brno could be revitalized by artworks
0 14.03 | The Property Office will offer the National House in Vinohrady in Prague at auction in April
1 14.03 | Česká Třebová is preparing the renovation of the New Square