
Uherske Hradiste

0 27.03.2024 | The competition for the reconstruction of the square in Uh. Hradiště was won by the studio of ofschem architects
0 13.02.2024 | The accepted change in the zoning plan of Uherské Hradiště will allow for residential construction
2 26.05.2023 | The renewal of the former prison in Uherské Hradiště is expected to cost about half a billion CZK
0 20.03.2023 | The restored former synagogue in Uherské Hradiště is vying for the title of Monument of the Year
0 14.02.2023 | Uherské Hradiště plans to build a natural amphitheater in the Rochus open-air museum this year
0 21.11.2022 | In the competition for the reconstruction of the former prison in Uh. Hradiště, the studio ov architekti succeeded
0 15.03.2022 | Uherské Hradiště will repair the facade and windows of the former synagogue, which houses the library
0 18.11.2021 | In the prison in U. Hradiště, construction surveys have been completed, and its reconstruction is being prepared
0 11.10.2021 | Uherské Hradiště plans to build a natural amphitheater in Rochus Park
0 11.08.2021 | The upcoming exhibition will remind of the history of the prison in Uherské Hradiště
0 24.06.2021 | Uherské Hradiště is preparing the restoration of the facade of the former synagogue, which houses a library
0 23.02.2021 | Uh. The municipality will buy the monastery in the city center for 42 million crowns
0 08.12.2020 | New zoning plan for U. Hradiště tightens requirements for parking spaces
2 03.12.2020 | The Prime Minister refused to disclose the schedule for the repairs of the prison in U. Hradiště
0 15.07.2020 | ÚZSVM continues its work on the transformation of the prison into the Museum of Totality
0 13.01.2020 | Uherské Hradiště will purchase the building from Komerční banka for officials
0 04.06.2018 | Uh. Hradiště will present proposals for the contemplated transformation of the Morava River waterfront
0 08.02.2018 | Revitalization of the Morava River Waterfront - Competition Announcement
0 07.02.2018 | Already the Sokol 2018: Students of the Faculty of Architecture of VUT are mapping Czech Sokol halls
0 28.04.2017 | Uherské Hradiště has opened an exhibition dedicated to the history of the local prison
0 07.09.2016 | Memorandum on the restoration of the Hradec prison has not yet been signed by the court
0 02.09.2016 | The house disfiguring Uherské Hradiště should be demolished by the end of the year
0 10.10.2014 | The Uherskohradišťská hospital has a new central pavilion costing 470 million.
0 30.08.2012 | U. Hradiště has completed the renovation of the Jesuit College for 77 million