Spolek Brno+ wants to repeal the resolution of the councilors regarding the relocation of the train station

Zdeněk Meitner
19.12.2014 13:45
Czech Republic


Brno - The chairman of the Brno+ association, Robert Kotzian, today submitted a proposal to the Ministry of the Interior regarding two resolutions from the new city leadership concerning the modernization of the railway junction and the location of the railway station. The referendum law prohibits taking any steps regarding matters that are subject to a referendum, which will not take place for another two years. According to Kotzian, who was deputy mayor for the ODS before the elections, the city has violated the law. His goal is for the ministry to urge the city to annul both resolutions, he told ČTK today.

    "On December 9, the council approved new remarks on the feasibility study assignment for the Brno railway junction. This is despite the fact that the city had previously consented to the wording of the terms of reference. The current council thus questions the entire process, even though it is impartial," Kotzian said. A week later, the council discussed the plan to announce an urban competition to resolve the South Center for the variant of the station under Petrov, even though it’s unclear where the new station will be located.
    Kotzian turned to the Ministry of the Interior because it is the supervisory authority over the activities of municipalities under the municipal law. "The ministry will examine whether the resolutions of the councilors are in accordance with the law. It will address whether it constitutes a particularly serious violation, which probably is not. In my opinion, it should urge the city to rectify this, that is, to annul the resolutions. If the city did not annul the resolutions, the ministry would have to file a lawsuit," Kotzian described the principle. ČTK is investigating the city's leadership's response. However, the ministry may decide not to initiate supervision because other tools exist.
    Kotzian claims that the initiative is backed by the Greens, who are one of the four parties in the coalition and who were among the initiators of the referendum on the location of the station.
    The location of the new Brno railway station has been a subject of discussion for nearly a century, with the latest debates lasting over ten years. The city leadership before 2006 advocated the so-called delayed variant at the site of today's freight lower station. Civil initiatives and some politicians, on the other hand, fought for the preservation of the station in the center. Studies show that the station can exist both in the delayed position and in the position under Petrov, which means shifting the station several dozen meters towards Nové sady. The railway infrastructure administration is preparing the assignment of a feasibility study that will detail the advantages and disadvantages of both variants. It is expected to be completed in the second half of 2016.
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