Brno - The Green Party and Žít Brno are protesting against the content of part of the website, which the city launched last week as a tool for independent comparison of the reconstruction options for the railway junction. According to representatives of both parties, the information on the website is biased, misleading, and favors the option of relocating the Brno railway station. They are joined by the alliance Referendum 2016, which collected enough signatures last year to call a referendum on the station's location, which will take place next autumn alongside the regional elections. This is indicated by responses to inquiries from ČTK. "Unfortunately, the new website continues the one-sided promotion of the relocation of the station organized by the former mayor's deputy Robert Kotzian (ODS), rather than the ongoing expert assessment of the problem and public debate. Instead of making an effort to use the referendum as an opportunity to give citizens a voice in the fundamental question of whether the station should be moved or not, the city confuses them with a fabricated presentation of three options, of which the relocation ultimately comes out in the best light," said Jakub Patočka, a representative of the preparatory committee. The councilors had already agreed previously on the creation of the website. The problem within the coalition arose when some texts appeared on it that the supporters of the station in the center, coalition partners Martin Ander (SZ) and Matěj Hollan (Žít Brno), had not seen before. "So, it is not a dispute about the website, but about some information and the manner of its presentation. Therefore, we met today and agreed to meet again at the beginning of next week to discuss what to modify and what to add," Ander said. The Christian Democrats and ANO have no objections to the form of the website. The website was launched by the city last week, and it was presented at a press conference only by representatives of ANO, Mayor Petr Vokřál and Deputy Richard Mrázek. The website is intended to offer people the opportunity to find information about both the relocation option and the station under Petrov, as well as the possibility that no new station would be built. Information from a feasibility study, which is being processed for the Ministry of Transport, will gradually be added to the website. The study compares the various options from different perspectives and is being carried out by an association led by the company SUDOP, which has produced several studies of the relocated station in the last 30 years. It is expected to be completed by the end of November 2016.
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